Insert Interval
Given a set of non-overlapping intervals, insert a new interval into the intervals (merge if necessary).You may assume that the intervals were initially sorted according to their start times.Example 1:Given intervals [1,3],[6,9], insert and merge [2,5] in as [1,5],[6,9].Example 2:Given [1,2],[3,5],[6,7],[8,10],[12,16], insert and merge [4,9] in as [1,2],[3,10],[12,16].This is because the new interval [4,9] overlaps with [3,5],[6,7],[8,10].
In other words, the questions gives a new interval, the task is to insert this new interval into an ordered non-overlapping intervals. Consider the merge case.
Idea to solve this problem is quite straight forward:
1. Insert the new interval according to the start value.
2. Scan the whole intervals, merge two intervals if necessary.
/** * Definition for an interval. * struct Interval { * int start; * int end; * Interval() : start(0), end(0) {} * Interval(int s, int e) : start(s), end(e) {} * }; */ class Solution { public: bool myfunc(Interval a, Interval b) { return( a.start<b.start); } vector<Interval> insert(vector<Interval> &intervals, Interval newInterval) { // Start typing your C/C++ solution below // DO NOT write int main() function vector<Interval> res; vector<Interval>::iterator it; for (it = intervals.begin();it!=intervals.end();it++){ if (newInterval.start<(*it).start){ intervals.insert(it,newInterval); break; } } if (it==intervals.end()){intervals.insert(it,newInterval);} if (intervals.empty()) {return res;} res.push_back(*intervals.begin()); for (it = intervals.begin()+1;it!=intervals.end();it++){ if ((*it).start>res.back().end){res.push_back(*it);} else{ res.back().end = max(res.back().end,(*it).end);} } return res; } };
# Definition for an interval. # class Interval: # def __init__(self, s=0, e=0): # self.start = s # self.end = e class Solution: # @param intervals, a list of Intervals # @param newInterval, a Interval # @return a list of Interval def insert(self, intervals, newInterval): res = [] if len(intervals) == 0: res.append(newInterval) return res # insert the new interval intervals.append(newInterval) # sort list according to the start value intervals.sort(key=lambda x:x.start) res.append(intervals[0]) #scan the list for i in xrange(1,len(intervals)): cur = intervals[i] pre = res[-1] #check if current interval intersects with previous one if cur.start <= pre.end: res[-1].end = max(pre.end, cur.end) #merge else: res.append(cur) #insert return res
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ReplyDeleteI have another solution:
ReplyDeleteclass Solution:
def insert(self, intervals, newInterval):
if len(intervals) == 0:
return [newInterval]
v1 =, newInterval.start, 0)
v2 =, newInterval.end, 1)
l = []
if( v1 > 1):
for i in range(v1>>1):
if v1 & 1 == 1:
newInterval.start = min(intervals[v1>>1].start, newInterval.start)
if v2 & 1 == 1:
newInterval.end = max(intervals[(v2)>>1].end, newInterval.end)
if v2 < (len(intervals)<<1 ) :
for i in range((v2+1)>>1, len(intervals)):
return l
def search(self, intervals, index, isStart):
start = 0
end = len(intervals)-1
while(start <= end):
middle = ((end-start)>>1) + start
if intervals[middle].start <= index and intervals[middle].end >= index:
return (middle << 1)+1
if intervals[middle].start > index:
end = middle - 1
if intervals[middle].end < index:
start = middle + 1
return start << 1