Given a string containing just the characters
, ')'
, '{'
, '}'
, '['
and ']'
, determine if the input string is valid.
The brackets must close in the correct order,
and "()[]{}"
are all valid but "(]"
and "([)]"
are not.Analysis:
Idea is not complex.
Use a stack to store the chars, scan from the 1st to the last char in string s.
( [ { are free to push in the stack.
When meets ) if stack top is (, then pop (.
When meets ] if stack top is [, then pop [.
When meets } if stack top is {, then pop {.
Otherwise return false
In the end, if the stack is empty, return true. (to handle "()(" case )
class Solution { public: bool isValid(string s) { // Start typing your C/C++ solution below // DO NOT write int main() function stack<char> st; for (int i=0;i<s.size();i++){ if ((s[i]=='(') ||(s[i]=='[') ||(s[i]=='{')) {st.push(s[i]);} else{ if (st.empty()){return false;} if ((s[i]==')') && (!='(')) {return false;} if ((s[i]=='{') && (!='}')) {return false;} if ((s[i]=='[') && (!=']')) {return false;} st.pop(); } } return st.empty(); } };
There is an error
ReplyDeleteIn line 12,13 .. } instead of { and ] instead of [
if ((s[i]=='}') && (!='{')) {return false;}
if ((s[i]==']') && (!='[')) {return false;}
At the top put this corner case this will reduce time complexity more than4 time like from 5ms to 1ms.
return false;